Trans* & Faith Symposium Programme

Twilight People Trans & Faith Symposium       

Thu 5 May 2016    09.30-17:00

Venue: Radcliffe Conferences, University of Warwick, Coventry

Meeting Rooms: 1* Cabaret; Syndicate Rooms 1* & 3* (boardrooms)

download PDFs here:

TP Trans & Faith Symposium schedule final

TP Trans & Faith Symposium presenters and sessions

EventPoster_cov A3 Warwick and Coventry 2016


09:30 – 10:00  Coffee & tea on arrival – Lounge* Radcliffe House
10:00 – 10:15  WELCOME   Housekeeping & opening speeches
Twilight People project intro (Surat-Shaan Knan)  – Cabaret*
10:15 – 10:30 Trans and Faith, Stonewall UK, Leng Montgomery – Cabaret*
10:30 – 11:30   SYBILS  – Cabaret*
–         Deuteronomy 22:5 and its Impact, Susan Gilchrist
–         ‘It was always about the hair’, Christina Beardsley
 & ‘This Is My Body’ – Book Launch  (11:15 – 11:30)
11:30 – 11:45 Morning tea & coffee/refreshments – Lounge* Radcliffe House
Networking & breakout options – Syndicate rooms
11:45 – 13:00 Panel I  – Cabaret*
–         Decolonising Gender in Jewish, Arab, and Muslim (JAM) communities, Zad El Bacha, Jimi Cullen (15min)
–         Transcending Boundaries – insights from outsiders, Dylan C. Parry Jones (15min)
–         Being in-Between: The spirituality of the Transvestite in the context of Quaker faith and practice, Yvonne Wood (15min)
–         Reclaiming Faerie – for trans, for feminism, for fluidity  –  Jane Francesca Fae (15min)
+ Q&As (10-15min), chaired by Prof. Margaret Greenfields
13:00 –  14:00  Restaurant* self-service Lunch  – Radcliffe House
Networking & breakout options Cabaret* & Syndicate* rooms
14:00 – 14:30 Working for Inclusivity, Sabah Choudrey – Cabaret*(Inclusivity booklet in collaboration with GIRES will be available)
14:30 – 15:30  Panel II & III
– Judaism & Gender across the Spectrum: Ari Ginsburg (USA); Jessica M. & Dex Chait Grodner  (15 min)
– The Partner’s story:  A narrative of loss, Sally Rush (15 min)
– Trans* Angels, Peta Angwyn Evans  – Cabaret  (15 min, continues as interactive workshop )
+ 10-15 min Q&A, chaired by Prof. Margaret Greenfields
15:30 – 15:45  Afternoon tea  & coffee – Lounge* Radcliffe House
15:30 – 16:15  Breakouts
–         Groups 1 & 2: Debate, reflection – Syndicate* board rooms
–         Group 3 Creation:  The Art of Being Seen – Peta Evans (interactive workshop)-  Cabaret*
16:15 – 16:45
Towards a Theology of Trans Liberation, Dr Karl Rutlidge – Cabaret*
16:45 – 17:00   ‘Where do we go from here’ – thoughts, ideas & blessings; breakout groups/trans angels presentation- Cabaret*



Twilight People Trans & Faith Symposium – Presenters & Sessions (in order of appearance J)

Surat-Shaan Knan
Surat-Shaan Knan works for Liberal Judaism and is an international campaigner for faith related LGBTQI+ issues. He is the founder and manager of the pioneering Lottery Heritage funded projects Rainbow Jews and Twilight People. Shaan is a proud member of the Stonewall Trans Advisory Group and has recently been involved in the AHRC funded project Ritual Reconstructed as well as Through a Queer Lens, supported by The Arts Council England. Shaan was profiled in 2014 as one of the young Jewish queer pioneers.     @TwilightPeople2


Leng Montgomery
Leng Montgomery is a memberships Assistant at Stonewall, and also a Trans inclusion specialist, to organisations and educational institutions. He has been profiled on the World Pride Power List as an Influencer and has been listed as ‘One To Watch’ for two years successively on the Independent’s Rainbow List. He’s recently spoken at the Stonewall Workplace Conference about Faith and has also taken part in OUR CLTR’s Worship Trans a collaborative project that explores trans identities and relationships with faith.  This was featured in The Huffington Post in 2016.
I’d like to talk about Stonewall’s trans inclusion journey, faith intentions and objectives, faith in the workplace and best practice surrounding that and I will also add that I am from a multi faith family and the importance of acceptance as well as intersectional role models – as that’s what I grew up with and I feel it’s been very beneficial.


BOOK LAUNCH – SYBILS (books will be for purchase at The Symposium)
The Sibyls is a UK-based confidential Christian spirituality group for transgender people, their partners and supporters. It seeks to fulfil the two great commandments of Jesus: to love God and to love one another.



 Christina Beardsley, Revd Dr
Christina ‘Tina’ Beardsley was educated at the Universities of Sussex, Cambridge and Leeds. She has spent twenty-two years in parochial ministry and sixteen in healthcare chaplaincy – the last ….please download PDF for full view